Be the Clear Winner

HELLO, 2024

Hitting the Ground Running

First, buckle up because I have a major announcement! I can tell you that 2024 is going to be the best year ever because I have partnered with and they are now my preferred home search portal!

Why So many reasons, y’all! The biggest reason is that it’s your listing and your lead. Does everyone understand how important that is? If I list 123 Banana Street, when the consumer clicks on that listing, that lead will go to me, the actual listing agent, instead of monetized and sold to whomever is willing to pay the biggest referral fee. This platform is far better for the consumers and for the agents. Those other portals sold us a bill of goods by taking our information for free and selling it back to the highest bidder. is easy and transparent and I could not be more bullish on it, which is why I am thrilled to welcome them to The Glennda Gazette!

So, I am confident we’re about to have a great year and I cannot wait to see what 2024 brings. Be sure to stretch your muscles and lace your sneakers good and tight because I feel like we’re going to be running every which way!

Now, the best way for all of us to give our year a running start will be to nail the listing appointment, so that’s what we’re discussing today.

On your mark, get set, let’s go!


But First, Let’s Be Resolved

New year, new you? Maybe so. So many of us spend the last few days of December reflecting on our year, vowing to make the new year better than the last. Maybe we’re going to cut carbs or to start hitting the gym or to finally extricate ourselves from a relationship that no longer serves us.

The truth is that 23% break our resolutions that very first week when we wake up to a snowy winter wonderland and the last thing we want to do is exit our cozy bed and throw on gym shorts. Or we run… across the leftover chocolates from the New Year’s Eve party and eating one turns into finishing the tin. And then we’re hit with that wave of guilt and that is no good for anyone. Then we beat ourselves up and think, “That’s it; 2024 is a wash.”

What’s interesting is that I was just reading an article about why we should cut ourselves a break if we have a slip-up. Instead of feeling guilty, psychologists encourage us to look at the resolution we broke as a learning opportunity. What does this broken resolution reveal? Were our goals unrealistic? Has our energy not been focused? For example, did we decide to go paleo, but we didn’t properly stock the fridge to accommodate ourselves? Take what didn’t work and figure out how to make it work going forward, and do it without feeling bad about yourself. We worry so much about being kind to others, but sometimes we must first start with ourselves.

As we stride into the new year, I want you to remember that you are your own most precious resource and you are capable of greatness.


its all about mindset! #GlenndaBaker #RealEstate #AtlantaRealEstate #AmericanBeauty #PositiveSelfTalk #Quotes #Motivation


Nail the Listing Appointment

Over the holidays, I had the great pleasure of attending a Christmas party at Robin Meade’s house. Oh, my stars, was it a beautiful event!

Now, I got to be in this room of luminaries, rubbing elbows with so many of Atlanta’s finest because the first thing I did when I met her and her husband was to nail the listing appointment.

When Robin and Tim were selling their gorgeous Atlanta house, they interviewed five agents. I was one of them. Going into that appointment, I was an equal mix of eager and anxious. This was the largest listing appointment of my whole dang life.

I made sure I was ready. I pulled listings for basically every house ever, so I went in knowing my stuff. I was aware my job was to articulate why I was the right choice for them, but this manifested itself a little differently than y’all might imagine.

All the other top agents who met with them went on and on about why they were the best. They touted their ranks, they quoted their sales numbers. These highly skilled and incredibly successful agents… made the presentation about themselves.

I took a different path. I had the confidence that I’d done with work and that I had the experience. But I didn’t lead with that. Instead, I based my presentation on figuring out who their most likely buyer was and how my marketing would attract them. I’d told them about how I’d figure out how to find the right people with the right financing. I detailed my process of who I’d talk to and what I’d say, with the support of a skilled team standing behind me. The fact that I was accomplished and confident is what sold that message.

They did a round of callbacks for agents, and I was included in this group. But it turns out, I had been their clear winner and they just needed to confirm this. They went with me because I was way more concerned with finding out who they were than telling them all about me.

Not only did I get and sell their listing, I established a personal relationship with the couple. They learned that I was someone they could trust, which is why I’ve sold their homes twice now!

The best part is that now they’re my cheerleaders. They have showcased me. At the party, they introduced me to everyone, telling them, “Glennda had the vision.” Oh, my stars and stripes, my heart was beating so fast! These two huge community influencers spoke me up and spelled out my value to all of their friends and family and that is an opportunity you just can’t buy.

So when you go on your next (of many) listing appointments, understand who you are and what you bring to the table, but make your presentation all about them. It’s not about your rank, it’s not about your history, it’s about using your unique skills and gifts to bring an understanding, and articulating their needs and wants.

That is how you’ll win in 2024.


Where does my confidence come from? #GlenndaBaker #RealEstate #AtlantaRealEstate #realestatetiktok #LeaderShip


It Goes Without Saying

Don’t tell others about your value; show them.”

Glennda Baker