Yes, You Absolutely Need to Do This


It’s as Easy as #

We’re talking about one of the most important aspects of our business today, y’all! That’s right, we’re gonna delve into the importance of marketing. But before we get into specifics, I have to tell you one of the fastest, easiest, least expensive ways to get yourself seen is to market yourself on social media.

If you’ve never promoted yourself on your social media, you are leaving money on the table! Oh, my stars and stripes, I am living proof. I started posting in the fall of 2020, and by June of 2021, I’d already closed eight deals and made $141,000 in GCI just from TikTok leads. And I was just getting started! Obviously, social media has been a game-changer for me and for how I do my business.

I understand it can be a challenge to figure out how to dive in. That’s why, in less than four minutes, I can give you the quick and dirty of where to start. Spoiler alert, it all begins in your backyard, and by using this little guy: #.

And now, let’s get on with the rest of the (marketing) show.


If You Build It, They Will Come

Every single day, someone asks me, “Glennda, how do I bring in qualified buyers?” Let me tell you, that answer starts and ends with marketing.

But first, let’s take a big step back. If people don’t know you’re in the business, how in the hell do you expect them to hire you? The statistics say that 73% of homebuyers interview only one agent, so it’s crucial you get your name out there, building your branding (more on that in an upcoming newsletter) and brand awareness, and making yourself easy to find.

The key is a strong marketing plan. Without one, you’re basically dead in the water. (And I don’t know about you, but my hair does not look good wet.) So, let’s talk about the different flavors of marketing formats, and the channels you can use.

In terms of marketing formats, there’s:

  • Online marketing, meaning to use websites, social media, and search engine optimization (SEO) to reach your potential buyers and sellers. If you’re not doing this already, start right this minute, I mean it.

  • Print marketing, which is all about using flyers, brochures, and newspapers to get in front of those potential clients (or the people who’d recommend you to clients).

  • Direct marketing, meaning sending postcards, letters, and emails to potential buyers and sellers. Repetition is so important here. You’re best off if you blanket the same area because that’s what will build your name recognition. If you just spray and pray, you’re gonna piss your marketing budget away. Have a plan. And let that plan be repetitive.

  • Event marketing, which entails attending real estate events, anything from open houses to homebuyer fairs because your goal is always to meet potential buyers and sellers. So, whether you’re old school with paper business cards, or you prefer electronic, be ready to make conversation and to share your digits.

As for marketing channels, let’s talk about:

  • Social media marketing, which I’ll wager is how you found me in the first place. Platforms like TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram are a fabulous way to connect with potential buyers and sellers. (And YouTube, I’ve got my eye on you.) When you share photos and videos of your listings, write blog posts about real estate trends, and start online conversations, you open up a world of possibilities. Again, living proof right here.

  • Content marketing, which is all about creating and sharing valuable content. This is an easy way to establish yourself as an expert in your field, and can look like anything from writing articles, creating infographics, recording videos, to holding seminars to share your expertise.

  • Email marketing, which I’m new to, but I like because it’s one of the most effective marketing channels (and not just for real estate agents). Email marketing/newsletters will allow you to stay in touch with your contacts, share your content, and promote your listings, but most importantly, email marketing helps establish and maintain credibility.

  • Public relations marketing, which is finding ways to get your name in the news because this helps with brand awareness and attracts new clients. Figure out what’s unique about your listings or expertise or community involvement and pitch those stories to your local media.

By using a variety of marketing formats and channels—which are all interconnected—you can reach a wider audience, which will build your respective businesses.

And remember:

  • First impressions count. Use high-quality photos and videos because they’re the best way to showcase your listings and attract potential buyers and sellers. Make sure your photos and videos are high-quality and well-lit. (Use a professional, I beg you! Regardless of what Tim Cook says, your iPhone is not as good as their DSLR camera, I promise you this.)

  • Pick up the damn phone when it rings. This is where you put your iPhone to its best use. Be responsive to inquiries. When potential buyers or sellers reach out to you, respond promptly. This shows that you’re ready to help and that you’re a professional.

  • Record your metrics. Measurements or it didn’t happen. You have to track the results of your marketing campaigns so that you can see what is or isn’t working. Having the numbers will help you improve your efforts over time.


Market Like It’s Hot

Even if the market isn’t as hot as it was, this advice is evergreen. Marketing is like leg day, you’ll be tempted to skip it, but you’ll be glad you didn’t.


Do you really need marketing in a hot market? #GlenndaBaker #RealEstate #AtlantaRealEstate #RealEstateTikTok #Marketing #RealEstateAgent


Marketing Is Important Like Water Is Wet

The easiest and most important piece of advice I have is for you to market yourself where you live. When you live in a neighborhood, by natural osmosis you’re going to meet your neighbors. You’re likely going to attend events in your community, maybe your little girl’s tap recital, maybe a friend’s kid’s Peewee football game. Maybe everyone wants to hang out in your garage because your significant other makes a wicked home brew.

Regardless of where you live, there’s likely a neighborhood swimming pool or a bunco club or moms group. We are social animals, so we find ways to gather no matter where we live. I implore y’all to join up, because being an active part of your community will absolutely get you in front of more people. As a real estate agent, if you aren't looking for opportunities in your own backyard you're missing a lot.

I have a story about being a part of my neighborhood that is gonna blow your socks off. And this marketing effort I employed? It cost me all of $0.47.

So, this woman calls me up and she says she’d like me to sell her house. I said, “Awesome, great, but I’m curious, how did you get my name?” I asked because I always follow up on how I’m found—I need to see what marketing is working for me, too.

She tells me, “Oh, you sponsored the Teacher Appreciation event at Walton High School,” and it took me a minute to recall because that was six years ago. I didn’t speak at it or anything, all I did was provide the bottled water. She said, “I kept your bottled water because I thought that if I were to ever want to sell my house, I’d want to use you.”

I go on the listing appointment and it turns out, she had a $3,000,000 house! And she called me, and I sold her house all because of that bottle of water. What?!

I came up with the idea years before when I thought to myself, What do people need? They need air and they need water. So, I figured I’d give it a whirl and if it didn’t work, I wouldn’t be out too much, and at least I had provided something useful to people who deserved it.

What is so crazy is that I have gotten more business from those $0.47 bottled waters. I bet you I have made $1,000,000 off those bottled waters because they have my face and my contact info on them. And the marketing idea was so simple.

That’s the magic of marketing—it doesn’t always have to be fancy, and it doesn’t have to be expensive.

Sometimes, it just has to be in the right place at the right time.


A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Marketing is a long-term strategy, not a short-term fix.”

Glennda Baker