Make a Difference in Your Community


Friends, these are some strange times we’re living in. I’ll be honest, the news cycle—both worldwide and personally—has me feeling a little down and out. On top of the heaviness that is our political cycle and market, this weekend I had the kind of slip and fall that made me stop and take stock of everything. I’m not seeking sympathy because I’ll be just fine, but if I sound subdued today, this is why.

Here’s what I can tell y’all: when I am feeling low, I find the one thing that lifts me up again is trying to uplift others, so today we’re going to talk about how to give back.

Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash


What to Expect for the Rest of the Year

I am still too sore to make the pun “speaking of fall,” even though I’m about to talk about what we can expect in the third and fourth quarter and it would be the perfect segue.

I ran across Investopedia’s predictions for the housing market from now until year-end. Here’s what they’re saying:

  • They believe that homebuyers should not expect market conditions to show much improvement for the remainder of 2024, especially given the mortgage rates and the tight supply.

  • Per the economists, they’re predicting that home prices will rise by about 4% and that we won’t see much deviation from about 6.5% interest rates.

  • Because of the above two factors—and despite demand—we could see limited new home construction.

This is not the fantastic kind of news I want to share, but it is the reality that we are working in. However, my name is Glennda Baker and I do not bring problems without solutions. So, for the next few weeks, we’re going to discuss how we agents can get more involved with our communities.


Because it benefits everyone and everything… including your business.


The only sign you need in your yard is a for sale sign. #GlenndaBaker #RealEstate #AtlantaRealEstate #PoliticalPoliticalSigns #GoogleGlenn... See more


Win a $500 Gift Card from Whole Foods!

If you haven’t already, I would so appreciate if you’d kindly click on the survey below and answer some easy questions. I am eager to shape this newsletter to fit your needs and I can’t do that if I don’t know what they are!

And of course if you do so, I’ll pledge A) my undying gratitude, B) an improved newsletter, and C) the chance to win a $500 gift card from Whole Foods!

So please click on the survey below!


Have y’all added your profile to yet? I swear, I could not be more pleased with the results I’ve had since working with them.

First off, I absolutely love that clients have the ability to contact me directly. My listings produce my leads. I’m also a big fan of seeing where all my listings are located on a map.

I especially like the agent transaction history. With one glance, a potential client can see how many homes I’ve sold, the total value of what I’ve sold, and the rage of what I sell. Plus, there’s a whole bio section where I can tell everyone exactly who I am and what someone can expect from working with me. And they make it easy as pie to get directly in touch with me. is the full package!


Ask Not What Your Community Can Do For You

Giving back has always been important to me. My mother set the example so many years ago when she’d donate whatever clothing and blankets we weren’t using to the Open Door charity. We didn’t have much, but we knew others had even less, so we gave generously. The blankets were especially important for my mom to give because she wanted to know that people could wrap up in them and have a tangible reminder that someone out there cared about them.

As an agent, it’s a good idea to do whatever you can to become more visible in your community. Charitable giving is one facet of this. For me when it comes to charity, I want to be able to see the impact of what I do. Here in Cobb County, before the pandemic, we’d donate birthday cakes to shelters so homeless kids could celebrate. (Unfortunately, COVID changed all that.)

I try to be proactive in the arenas that I’m in. When Victoria and Lucas were in school, we’d always donate bottled water for Teacher Appreciation and field days. Now that my grandson is starting kindergarten, I sent Victoria message to find out when the meet and greet was because I want to get a hold of that teacher’s wishlist and just fill the whole thing. Those teachers have to spend their own money otherwise and I hate to think of any child going without.

For me, the driver is not that I want to feel good. The driver is the same as my mother’s—I want people to know that they are not alone and that people care about their well-being and their futures.

So many people right now are just holding on by their fingernails—maybe they need help but don’t qualify for it. I make it my business to find organizations that aid women, particularly single moms, because I know how hard it can be and especially because helping aligns with my values.

One of my favorite causes is Every Woman Works, Inc. Among other things, they give women the tools they need to get back into the job market. Think about all the ex-wives/mothers you know who were married for a couple of decades until their husband decided to trade his wife in for a newer model. That wife/mother hasn’t worked outside of the home and suddenly she’s thrust into a world where her entire lifestyle changes. She may not even have the right things to wear to go to a job interview. So I relentlessly cull my closet to donate to the organization to make sure they are properly dressed to land and hold that job. (And if the stars on those clothes make them feel like stars, even better.)

Every reason to get active in one of your local charities is a good reason, whether it’s because it makes you feel good or connects you more to your community or even if it’s because it gives you a write-off.

The needy people who benefit don’t care about your motivation—they only care that you were there in their time of need.


@glenndabaker Sold A $3,000,000 Home From A 47 Cent Bottle Of Water! #glenndabaker #milliondollarlisting #luxuryhomes #realtorlife #realestateagent


Hello, Mauricio Umansky and Jason Haber!

I am pleased as punch to bring y’all this interview with Mauricio Umansky and Jason Haber! I’ve talked about their AREA initiative before, which is meant to be an alternative for those agents who are dissatisfied with the NAR. I hope everyone loves our conversation about advocating, innovating, and educating, where they pose the question, “Isn’t it time you traded up?” So let’s get to it!

Thank you, gentlemen!


Words of Wisdom

This election season, I’m not rich enough to be helped by Trump and not poor enough to be helped by Biden.”

Glennda Baker